Mary Pigott, IT Applications Specialist, Cleveland Heights-University Heights"The people work really hard to make sure we’re supported. The company works hard to make sure their product is efficient and easy for all users to navigate."
Vicki Turner, Technology Director, Berea City School District"Infinite Campus is a top-notch company. I would recommend the SIS because it will meet all district needs. I mean, that’s what it’s made for. There is a level of care there that goes beyond just selling a product. They aren’t done with you after the sale goes through."
Janet Michaud, Infinite Campus Data Coordinator, MSAD 53"Infinite Campus is always willing to listen to it's users and adapt the product when necessary to meet the needs of the ever-changing educational and technological environments."
Sarah Krowl, SIS Manager, Deming Public Schools"I would recommend Infinite Campus because they are literally the best at what they do. There are tools to meet your every need – from basic to advanced. They listen to needs and provide tools to meet them."
Melanie Harris, Chief Information Officer, School District of Philadelphia"We talk to other school districts all the time and they ask us if we’re happy with Infinite Campus. Hands down, I will say it is a love story between Infinite Campus and Philadelphia."
Suzette Lindquist, Software Support/Secretary, Nebo School District"Infinite Campus is an SIS software with so many helpful tools! We love using it, and the best part is their amazing support team."
Chris Weber, Director of Enterprise Data Systems, Metro Nashville Public Schools"I feel we have a very good relationship with the Infinite Campus team. We frequently include various staff members from Infinite Campus to help advise and get input on the best way to leverage the SIS to support various district initiatives."
Frank Walters, SIS Manager, Augusta County Public Schools"If you have a decent product and decent support, then you’re ahead of everybody. If you want a great product and great support, Campus is the obvious choice."
Laurel Podraza, IT Manager, Central Bucks School District"Infinite Campus has allowed us to more easily access data that used to be difficult to get. It has given us new insights on measures for student success and achievement."
Mike Hume, Supervisor of School Administrative Technology, Buffalo Public Schools"You haven’t seen Infinite Campus yet, and you already know how to use it. It’s that simple. The product is more powerful, more stable, and easier than any other SIS product we saw."