Paper-free enrollment processes
Instant status updates/notifications
Easy for parents to navigate
save money
Paper-free enrollment
No more deciphering messy handwriting or mailing out hundreds of packets. Everything is handled online.
efficiency for staff and parents
No data entry! Just click to approve.
District staff receive a notification to review and verify submitted applications. Once approved, the details are automatically updated in Campus SIS—no manual data entry required!
10 reasons districts love Campus Online Registration
Eliminates paper processes: Everything is done electronically
Saves money: No more printing/mailing costs
Improves data integrity: No longer have to decipher hard-to-read penmanship
Streamlines processes: Instant data entry into Campus Census when application is approved
Flexible parent/guardian experience: Accessible via Campus Parent, district website, mobile phone, or in-school/district kiosk
Responsive forms: Only display questions that are relevant to the applicant
Email automation: Real-time updates on application status
Optional customization: Any/all questions can be customized, add links to custom forms
Digital repository: Ability to upload utility bills, birth certificates, transcripts and more
Reporting functionality: Ability to run reports on application and enrollment status
Campus Parent
Incredibly easy for parents
Allow parents to register their student from the comfort of their own home. Campus Online Registration is accessible via Campus Parent, district website, mobile phone, or in-school/district kiosk.
Sandra Wilson, Infinite Campus Coordinator, Corbin Independent"It works seamlessly between seven schools for the process of enrollment. Not much gets overlooked anymore. I don’t know how in the world we ever survived without Online Registration. It’s changed our world completely!!!”
Stacy Scott, Network Specialist, Auburn-Washburn USD 437"We have cut down on typos since staff are no longer needing to transcribe handwriting. It also allows parents to complete the process on their own time rather than having to show up to the school at a scheduled time."