Vertical Bi-directional Data Flow
SEAs can push the following items out (down) to their local education agencies (LEAs) in real-time:
Statewide announcements, notices, surveys and videos.
Generate, issue and manage unique student and staff identification numbers.
Custom SEA-created pages, tabs and fields. Once published to an LEA, new data on these custom pages is automatically synched back to the SEA.
Assessment results, statewide course masters, statewide behavior/attendance codes, state education standards and much more.
Unlimited SEA created data validations, queries and filters to run against district data to ensure accuracy before district certification.
Custom SEA-created interactive forms. These forms can be prepopulated from data in the LEA and SEA databases, and new tables can be made to store data entered on the forms. Once published to an LEA, new data on these forms is queryable at the LEA and SEA.
Unlimited state graduation and student pathway plans to allow accurate statewide monitoring of students' various paths to graduation.
SEAs can pull in/up the following data from their local education agencies (LEAs) in real-time:
All K12 data that is required by law for the SEA to collect. Our SEA ODS supports hundreds of data objects.
SEAs can collect data in real-time or in data certification snapshots or a combination of both methods.
SEAs have the ability to resync data by district, school, object, etc., reducing and fixing errors in the SEA ODS.
Provides a transparent, timely and accurate data certification process where both the SEA and LEAs use the same system to certify their data.