Activity Registration
School Stores
Mobile Payments
$150 one-time fee gives you access to EVERYTHING
A small one-time fee gets you unlimited access to fees, payment processing, school stores, activity registration and much more. Training is available for a small fee, if needed.
Easy setup...and easy to use, too
Parents can pay for multiple items within a single transaction: food service, activities, spirit wear, school supplies, you name it!
What does it include...
easy to use
Fee Transactions
Payments made online work seamlessly with your Infinite Campus system data, providing real-time transaction verification.
Course Fees
Lab Fees
Class Trips
Activity Registration
Register and pay for specific activities and athletics.
Sign permission slips
Pay field trip fees
Document submissions
Collect signatures
School Stores
Set up school stores to sell spirit wear, supplies, and more.
Spirit wear
School supplies
Donation Drives
Mobile Payments
Using the integrated Infinite Campus Mobile Payments app (available for download on iOS or Android) you can accept swipe payments using a Bluetooth credit card reader.
Event tickets