Logging in
How do I log in?
You can either log into our Campus Parent and Campus Student apps or log in from your favorite web browser.
Logging In
I don't know my username or password
Due to privacy concerns, Infinite Campus does NOT have your username or password information. This information is provided by your district.
Logging In
Are you a new user or do you have an activation key?
Click the Parent/Student button next to your district.
Click New User at the bottom of the login screen.
Enter the activation key sent to you by your district.
If you do not have an activation key, please contact your district to obtain one. Infinite Campus does not have this information.
Logging In
Username & password issues
Reset your password
Your school can reset your password/create an account. You can also visit Campus Student or Campus Parent (Web Portal or Mobile App) and click “Forgot your password/username." If you don't see the "Forgot password?" and "Forgot username?" options, your district has not turned this feature on.
If you have failed to enter your username and password correctly, after a few missed attempts you will see a CAPTCHA. Simply log into Campus Student or Campus Parent using the Web Portal or Mobile App. Enter your username, password, and CAPTCHA to gain access.
Error messages
Connection Error
Check your Internet connection
Make sure your district's Web Portal is not down
If you continue to get the error, reinstall the app
App menu items turned off?
Your school controls what areas of the app are available to you. It is common for schools to turn off all or parts of the app over summer break, during other school breaks, and during grading periods.
Notifications are available through the Campus Student and Campus Parent mobile apps, if enabled by your school.
Why can't I see all of my children?
Do you have your own account?
If you are a parent, make sure you are using Campus Parent. If you are a student, make sure you are using Campus Student. This allows for your Campus record and the relationships set up between you and your children to connect properly. Ask your school for your own account.
Is your Portal setting activated?
The relationship recorded in Campus between you and your child needs to be set up to include Portal access. This allows you to view your child’s information in the Portal and Mobile App. Your school manages this setting; only they can fix this if the setting is not turned on. Please contact your school to fix this.
Link multiple accounts
Parents and students can now link accounts.
Do you have students attending schools in multiple districts using Infinite Campus? Or, do you have a student enrolled in more than one district? Good news! Parents and Students can now link their accounts, so they only need one login to access all your student(s) information in the Campus Parent and Campus Student mobile apps.
Please note: This functionality is currently only available in NC and DE.
Get Started: How to Link your Accounts
Log in to Campus Parent or Campus Student in a browser or the mobile app and open the user menu.
In the Linked Districts section, click Manage Districts.
In the screen that displays, select Generate a code from this district and click Generate. Click the code that displays to copy it to the clipboard.
Log out of this account.
Log into the other district account and navigate to the Manage Districts screen via the user menu.
Select enter the code generated from another district, paste the copied code, and click Link.
Accounts are now linked! Open the user menu and click Switch to visit the newly linked for the first time. When done in the mobile app, this first switch activates push notifications.