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Gainesville City School District

The district supports around 8,000 students across nine school buildings.

When Gainesville City Schools decided it was time to move to another Student Information System, finding a solution with interoperability capabilities and high-level support were top priorities. Infinite Campus became a clear front runner in their search due to the advanced system offerings and the product’s high popularity among Georgia districts.

We benefit from increased functionality within Infinite Campus, which keeps us from having so many different platforms to support and for users to learn.

Jill Hobson, Chief Technology Officer

We selected Infinite Campus because...

Jill: We wanted increased flexibility and customization capabilities, while also increasing the interoperable nature of the platform. Infinite Campus' staunch support of interoperability standards was a compelling reason for our transition.

The fact that most districts in Georgia use Infinite Campus was also attractive to us. We gained an incredible community of users who can share their success with us, and that makes Gainesville even better in our implementation. As a district with a high level of transience, the fact that we can easily share records with neighboring districts is very attractive.

Finally, we were at a time when the staff supporting our student information system were getting ready to retire. It was the perfect opportunity to transition with new staff learning the system as they came on board. Sara Kytle, our Student Information Specialist, has done a tremendous job of learning the new platform, assisting with the implementation, and providing second to none training and support to our staff and families.

Infinite Campus gave us the tools to be able to do much more reporting without having to rely on custom tools or services.

Jill Hobson, Chief Technology Officer

What challenges were you facing before using Infinite Campus SIS?

Jill: One of the challenges that we needed to address was ‘dirty data’ and ‘dirty data practices.’ We had a lot of duplicate data due to the way in which the prior system stored data. Infinite Campus’ approach to using a census-based process helped us revise our practices to ensure parents weren’t having to enter data multiple times at multiple schools.

We also had a hard time creating reports (ad hoc filters) for the kinds of data that our staff needed. Infinite Campus gave us the tools to be able to do much more reporting without having to rely on custom tools or services.  

What would you tell someone about Infinite Campus support?

Jill: We get excellent support from onboarding to training to troubleshooting. The response time is counted in minutes and hours, not days and weeks. And we always get a response, something we couldn’t always count on with our previous SIS. 

Sara: Support has been amazing. They are always ready to answer your questions in a quick and timely manner. 

Campus makes it easy to pull reports on any of the data, making it easier to have more accurate data.

Sara Kytle, SIS Specialist

Does Infinite Campus save the district dollars and/or staff resources?

Jill: We’ve been able to reduce the number of platforms we are supporting and that’s a cost savings to us. We also benefit from increased functionality within Infinite Campus, which keeps us from having so many different platforms to support and for users to learn. 

The Infinite Campus integrated products have helped save a lot of time and headache: from automatically changing student attendance, to mapping information needed, to state reporting. The modules put all the information in one place and make it easier for the user to enter and keep up with their data.

Sara Kytle, SIS Specialist

Do you use any Premium Products and Suites? If so, what would you tell a district looking to experience the power of one system for many district needs?

Sara: We use Online Registration, Campus Workflow, Messenger with Voice, and SWARM. It has made it super easy to personalize our data for our families and staff. 

Jill: As a small school system, it’s important that we reduce the number of systems we support. We need one place to go with as many functions as we can get in one place. Infinite Campus has allowed us to take several different tools out of service. 

Being able to pull online registration data directly into the SIS rather than retyping it (this is a place where data can get lost or mistyped) and the ability to customize the registration form to include all the questions we need, Online Registration has greatly improved the registration process for our families and staff.

Starting strong with Premium Products:

If you were talking to a district that is currently looking at switching to Infinite Campus, what would you tell them? You should switch because...

Jill: First and foremost, the support available to us is so much greater than what we had previously. We get the benefit of an incredible channel partner in K-12 Solutions. The response time is phenomenal! And we also benefit from the large community of Campus users across the state of Georgia. We’ve learned so much by collaborating with our colleagues. That’s something that wasn’t possible for us with our prior system. 

Sara: Infinite Campus allows users to customize their data in a way that works best for them. You can create custom modules to store anything that your district needs. Infinite Campus makes it easy to pull reports on any of the data, making it easier to have more accurate information.

Learn more about Infinite Campus!

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