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Holland Public Schools

Seamless state reporting and improved reporting and analysis for seeing “the big picture.”

Holland, Michigan

4,034 Students

Holland Public Schools (HPS), serving the western Michigan city of Holland, wanted a reliable, integrated student information system (SIS) that offers responsive reporting tools, Web-based data access, and great service and support. In 2006, HPS selected Infinite Campus and discovered it not only met their basic student management needs, but it provided seamless state reporting and improved reporting and analysis for seeing “the big picture.”

Michigan’s legislature and the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) regularly alter the scope and format of district reporting to better understand and serve the education needs of Michigan students. Holland needed reporting functionality they could rely on to meet the ever-changing demands of state reporting. Today, a dedicated group of Infinite Campus professionals monitor new reporting requirements, facilitate changes in reporting functionality, and coordinate training to ensure that HPS is ready prior to reporting deadlines. Because Infinite Campus is a living solution, any systemic changes are integrated without system interruption or additional implementation.

Whether standard reports, customized data analysis or ad hoc reports, Infinite Campus gives administrators the tools necessary to establish realistic goals and guide the district toward achievement.

“Time is money, and it all comes down to money,” said Kathleen Hudson, HPS Pupil Accounting Manager. “We are able to run preliminary extracts early and submit to the MDE with ample time for any corrections. Not only do we consistently meet our deadlines with time to spare, our audits are always near perfect and we receive our greatly anticipated funding without problems.”

Campus Data Analysis gives authorized administrators the ability to see the “big picture” in user-friendly formats. Through the use of filters, HPS decision makers can view trends from behaviors to budgets in a variety of easy-to-read graphs and charts. Because Campus Data Analysis is just one of the many standard features of Infinite Campus, HPS enjoys these benefits without incurring any additional cost.

HPS district administrators use Campus Ad Hoc Reporting to address situational reporting needs. Pre-defined or newly created custom filters allow authorized personnel to make informed decisions and address critical questions about district functions from instruction to communication.

“I find Campus Ad Hoc Reporting my most frequently used and dependable tool. I can design an impromptu query from the general to the specific. The ability to data mine from Infinite Campus into Excel® provides the capability for additional graphic displays and stratification of data,” said Hudson. “Features like these are imperative for future projections and trend mapping.”


Beyond reporting, planning and service exists the day-to-day operation of district business, communication and instruction. Attendance must be taken. Behaviors must be tracked and interventions instituted. Lesson plans, grades and assessments all have to be planned, implemented and recorded. Parents need to be informed of student achievement and district schedules.

Off-the-shelf technology of Infinite Campus provides HPS with the benefits of a Web-based integrated SIS, increasing the efficiency of routine data management and communication. Single point, household demographic data entry saves time and prevents inaccuracies due to redundant and non-standard procedures. Teachers can access Campus Grade Book and Campus Portal from home, giving them more time in front of students. Campus Portal gives parents and students secure access to grades, assignments and assessments allowing conferences to be used for planning for success.

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