784 Students
Gibbon, Minnesota
Selection Process
With GFW’s previous vendor, a separate database was required for each school, making usability and reporting difficult and inefficient.
When comparing vendors during the selection process, GFW appreciated that Infinite Campus provided an all-inclusive, Web-based SIS. Data is entered once and available across the district in real time. The option to add Campus Messenger with Voice, a Campus Premium Product, also played an important role in their decision.
Messenger with Voice
GFW eliminated their third-party application by purchasing Campus Messenger with Voice in 2007. This optional Premium Product enhances the functionality of the core SIS and saves the district time and money.
Messenger simplifies communications to staff, students and parents through an easy-to-use Web interface. Emergency and content-rich communications can be delivered via email, phone or text messaging. Using Campus SIS data, messages can be sent within 15 minutes, regardless of district size. GFW uses Messenger with Voice to notify parents of snow days, late starts and school closings, as well as other school and emergency information. It ensures the right messages get to the right people, at the right time. In addition, sent message reports verify all stakeholders received the message.
The district is currently in the process of adding the text messaging option that will allow them to send lunch balance information. “Since we began using Messenger, more people are giving up land lines. We feel the text messaging option will allow us to use more of the Messenger features,” said Ron Swanberg, GFW Technology Coordinator. “From there, we’d like to try more of the teacher messaging features of the product.”
GFW feels it is important to use a messaging product that works directly with your SIS. This eliminates having to import users into the system.
According to Swanberg, “We know of other schools that are using Infinite Campus along with a third-party messaging system. They are having difficulty keeping user information
current. Messenger with Voice does not have this issue, as information changes in Campus SIS, it is automatically updated in Messenger.”
Another feature for parents is the preferences setting. “Parents are able to set their own preferences that include phone numbers, e-mail addresses and devices they wish to receive calls to,” stated Swanberg.
In addition, Campus Support has been helpful throughout learning the product. “Campus Support has been great to work with. Infinite Campus University (ICU) has been a valuable investment giving us the extra help and training we need,” said Swanberg.
ICU provides comprehensive product training for Campus customers. Training sessions are offered online, at the Infinite Campus headquarters, at a nearby location for multiple schools, or privately to meet individual school or district needs. ICU includes lunch and learn sessions, Webinars, one-on-one training, training bundles, Teacher Tuesdays and more.
Since implementing Campus Messenger with Voice, GFW has seen numerous improvements to the product that make using it simpler. “Now that we have the template and preferences set up, the system is more reliable than ever,” explained Swanberg.
Campus Messenger with Voice has improved communication among GFW parents and students by delivering important messages quickly and efficiently.