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Infinite Campus Instructional Management Tools Now Available

August 7, 2012 – Blaine, Minn. – Infinite Campus developed new instructional management (IM) enhancements which are available for all Campus customers at no additional cost. Teachers can break away from the traditional classroom experience and provide blended instruction. Students benefit from the ability to complete assignments at the time and place of their choosing.

New Instructional Management Tools:

  1. Assignment Submission - post assignments and hyperlinks via the Campus Portal, and let students respond and submit completed assignments.
  2. Standards Bank - now with improved usability, update fields en masse, copy existing standards and post to transcripts.
  3. Assignment Resources - upload files such as PDFs and MP3s to an assignment.
  4. Digital Repository - set up a district-wide catalog of learning resources through a cloud-based digital storage system.
  5. Online Assessment - create test questions, align them to standards, pull test questions from the cloud, and deliver tests through the Campus Portal.

Unlike other systems where stand-alone instructional management tooling is bolted onto an SIS as an afterthought, the new Campus IM tools are fully-integrated components of the Infinite Campus SIS. With Campus, data is entered once and used across the district. This real-time information eliminates errors associated with duplicate data entry and allows authorized administrators, clerical staff, teachers, parents and students to immediately access the information they need in the formats they need it via easy-to-use, Web-based IM tools.

Infinite Campus was the first fully-integrated, Web-based SIS to be build using solid, industry-standard hardware, database technology and software development practices. It provides districts with the ability to customize tools to meet their unique data management needs. Regular enhancement updates are seamlessly integrated into the system without interruption, time consuming implementation, or additional costs.

About Infinite Campus
For more than 15 years, Infinite Campus has successfully implemented its solutions for customers of all sizes. Today, Infinite Campus applications manage more than 5 million students in 43 states. Infinite Campus customers range from those with fewer than 100 students to those with more than 600,000 students. Infinite Campus customers include school districts, regional consortia, state departments of education and the federal government.

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